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  • Reformer Pilates


Why Pilates

Pilates isolates and relaxes muscle groups while building resilience and fixing your alignment and posture. Pilates also helps strengthen your core and the muscles on your back and shoulders and heal your lower back pain which may sometimes come from misalignment and lack of muscle strength.

Pilates exercises help you get the blood flowing throughout your body. This improves your cardiovascular circulation and, aside from making you feel a lot better and energized after a class, keeps your muscles and skin healthy.

Since most Pilates exercises focus on functional movements and core strength, regular Pilates sessions can improve your mobility, flexibility, stability, and the mind-body connection.

While doing Pilates, you focus on pairing your breath with every movement. Each movement, and breath, is slow and intentional, and this helps calm you and reduce tension, especially the pent-up stress and tension you didn't know you had.


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